Heather learns html.
(And css. And some javascript, too.)

Number of days since Page 1:
Number of websites built:
Number of dreams I've had where I'm urgently writing html, css or javascript in order to save the world from destruction:
  1. Clover is Fluffy
  2. Starbuzz Coffee
  3. Head First Lounge
  4. Crazy Dude on a Segway
  5. Mark's Home on the Internet (and perhaps why he is cranky!)
  6. The original Cranky Boyfriend homepage!
  7. Jenny Holzer Truism
  8. myPod
  9. Wherein I update Head First Lounge a whole bunch
  10. Mannahatta by Walt Whitman
  11. Back to the Segway Guy
  12. A photo of the poet in No. 10
  13. Time for more coffee, yes?
  14. My cooking blog Whisk Flip Stir. (I has a pride about this one.)
  15. OMG. More Segway Guy. Make it stop. Please. Srsly. Please.
  16. Head First HTML comes to and end: Starbuzz gets a bean machine.
  17. Head First JavaScript kicks off with A PET ROCK. Awesome.
  18. Duncan's Donuts Donut-a-matic (Sadly, not a real place.)
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